November 15, 2013

House Projects

The new house is coming along!!!!
This house is soooooo nice not having any actual big projects, just things that we would enjoy!!
I'm loving the fresh carpet under my feet, the perfect color of tile so you can't see dirt, all the same color walls, matching baseboards, and more space!
Dustin and Chad put in an attic storage space thing. haha (I'll ask Dustin what it's called)
Now we can organize the attic so we can store all the holiday boxes and the kids extra clothes.
Mallory enjoys doing projects with Dustin. She seriously loves to go to Lowe's with him.
Shes getting soo good at riding her bike too!
Lauren and Spencer were in town so they came to see the excitement. :)

Can't wait to sign Dustin up for the next project!

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