April 29, 2012
Dustin's friend, Nick, from High School married his girlfriend of 10 years this weekend! We had a wonderful time visiting with all of Dustin's high school friends! The sit down steak dinner was great and so was the cake & dancing!!
April 28, 2012
Dustin and I took Miss Mal Pal to the Clovis Rodeo Parade with our friends Amy and McKay! The kids had a blast looking at the horses! Mallory kept looking over at the horses and then looking back at us and making horse nosies! The parking was terrible but the weather was great!!
April 27, 2012
We are so excited for swimming season to start!!! We swam three times already this week! It started out in Nonnas pool on Sunday after Sunday dinner. We were shocked at Mallory's desire to get in since last summer was a disaster!!! Mallory was playing out side with Papa on the trampoline and then started putting her feet on the 1st step of the pool. Next thing we know, Mallory is soaking wet in her clothes from splashing all around the steps! She got completely in! We also we went swimming with Mallory's friend McKay and ate ice-cream! We can not wait for the rest of summer!!
April 22, 2012
It's A BOY!
Dustin and I went to a special ultrasound this week and found out some great news! Baby #2 is a BOY!! Normally, you have your gender ultrasound around 18 to 20 weeks but my mom works at my OB/GYN office and the ultrasound girls told her to have me come in early so we could find out! I am only 16 weeks, 3 days at the ultrasound but Corrie said she can see as early as 14 weeks! Yay!! Corrie said that she is also 100 percent positive that she is correct and that the baby is in fact a BOY! Here are a few of the pictures I got!
I finally got my chalkboard re-painted and done!! Agh! I've been lazy but I'm glad I finally did it! It looks way better than the gray one!! Yay!
April 21, 2012
Santa Cruz Beach
This weekend, Dustin and I went away for a quick overnight vacation! First we checked into this great hotel and then went out to a fun steak dinner! Then the next day we went to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk! We have been to the beach many times but never to Santa Cruz. It was so fun! The weather was great! It was 75 with a tiny breeze! We walked around and ate! We bought the unlimited all day pass and was able to ride any ride we wanted plus do mini-golf, bowling, and lazer tag! The trip was too short but it was great!
April 14, 2012
Big Hat Days
Dustin and I took Mal Pal to Old Town Clovis Big Hat Days! Mallory loved the horses there! She was a little nervous at first to ride them but then loved it! We also rode the tea cups and the helicopter! We had a great night walking around and eating!!
April 13, 2012
1st Hair Cut
Mallory got her hair cut for the 1st time EVER today!! Mallory did a great job! I thought she was going to cry and hate it but she didn't even notice! Grandma Brenda gave Mallory a book to read and let her use her brushes to help brush her hair! Mallory has been bald for so long, we didn't see the need to cut her hair until now! The back has been growing into a mullet so at 21 months old, it is time!! Mallory looks much better!! Can't wait for her hair to grow longer so we can enjoy those cute curls!
The Before Picture:

And During!

Here is the card Grandma gave to us to save with Mallory's hair!
The Before Picture:

And During!
April 8, 2012
21 months old
I love to take pictures of Mallory but it is a struggle! She is always on the go and has no desire to stop and pose for me! I'm trying to teach her how to say "cheese" and pose but its not really working! This is what I get!
Just a big open mouth! Oh goodness! But she sure is cute!
Mallory's vocabulary has vastly increased this past month! She can say/make the sound for about 30 words! She can even say a few sentences! Her sentences are: Where did it go/Where is it?, It stinks/I'm stinky, Daddy go work, I love you (kinda) and attempted prayers.
The words she can say are: momma, dadda, again, more, please, thank you, shh, NO, yes, eye, mouth, teeth, ear, hair, lips, toes, horse, cow, dog, cat, snake, bird, purple, orange, baby, hello, bye-bye, work, bob-bob, papa, nonna, grandma, Syd, Ken, Ry-Ry, Bent, Book, and more.
We love our little girl!!!
Just a big open mouth! Oh goodness! But she sure is cute!
Mallory's vocabulary has vastly increased this past month! She can say/make the sound for about 30 words! She can even say a few sentences! Her sentences are: Where did it go/Where is it?, It stinks/I'm stinky, Daddy go work, I love you (kinda) and attempted prayers.
The words she can say are: momma, dadda, again, more, please, thank you, shh, NO, yes, eye, mouth, teeth, ear, hair, lips, toes, horse, cow, dog, cat, snake, bird, purple, orange, baby, hello, bye-bye, work, bob-bob, papa, nonna, grandma, Syd, Ken, Ry-Ry, Bent, Book, and more.
We love our little girl!!!
April 7, 2012
Easter Saturday/Sunday
We started out our Easter festivities at Nonna & Papa's house with a great Easter dinner and a fun Easter egg hunt. Mallory loved collecting the eggs and putting them in her basket. She even found a few of the harder ones that we thought she wouldn't notice. Mallory even stood in on the steps in the pool for a while, begging everyone to join her!

Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Dockstader's house and had a great dinner with a Easter egg hunt for Mallory! She loved it!!

Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Dockstader's house and had a great dinner with a Easter egg hunt for Mallory! She loved it!!
April 6, 2012
Easter Pictures
I took a few pictures of Mallory and baby Bella at our friend Pam's house! Last year, I took Mallory to the mall where I paid $35 for her to scream while the photographer took a picture of her with a freaky fake Easter Bunny! Pam has 2 bunnies of her own so she said we could take a few pictures of Mallory holding them in her backyard! Mallory had a blast, but I'm sure Rodney (the bunny) did not love being strangled to death!

April 3, 2012
13 Weeks
So I am officially off bed-rest and back to work! I have been busy working and being a mommy to Mallory so I haven't been very good about decorating my chalkboard every week like I hoped to! Dr Mason let me go off of the fertility/hormone medications when I was 12 weeks so that has been making me feel 100 times better! I also lost 5 pounds or so. I think that happened because of the morning(all day) sickness and because I was able to stop the hormone pills! I went to two Dr appointments this week! I went to Dr Mason's and he said everything is looking great! He said my subchoronic bleed is basically gone, which is great! He did a quick ultrasound and said the baby is looking good! I also went to Dr. Helms office this week for a more in-depth ultrasound that helps to check or any problems that the baby might have. Here are a few pictures from that appointment!

The ultrasound tech also gave us some fun news! She said we can't quote her on it or start buying clothes but she thinks the baby is a BOY!! Yay!! We would honestly be happy with either but I would really like to have one of each and have a boy for Dustin to do boy things with!! Yay!

The ultrasound tech also gave us some fun news! She said we can't quote her on it or start buying clothes but she thinks the baby is a BOY!! Yay!! We would honestly be happy with either but I would really like to have one of each and have a boy for Dustin to do boy things with!! Yay!
April 1, 2012
Pregnant Sisters
One of my favorite things about being pregnant at this time in my life is that my sister is pregnant too!! Brooke and I always thought it would be cool to be pregnant at the same time but as we got older, we weren't really sure how that was going to work out. Dustin and I tried for 5 years and did adoption in between and Brooke & Shaun were busy working and going to school! Some how we both ended up pregnant and only 3 weeks apart! Brooke's baby is due September 20Th and mine is due October 6Th! Here is both of our 9 week ultrasound pictures!! (Baby Dockstader is the 1st Picture!)

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