We are so EXCITED to be going to Disneyland!!! We are not going until Septmber when school is back in (less crowded) and the heat has calmed down but we are gearing up!! We ordered Mallory a few T-Shirts to wear while we are there! Here are 3 out of the 4! (One for everyday we are there! I know I'm a crazy mom but don't judge me!) Here is a picture of the dress we are waiting for! With a matching bow of course!
Mallory got her 12 Month shots this week! :( She did not like it one bit! I hated it too but mostly because the nurse made me hold her down! Ah! Mallory got 2 shots in each leg! Her next set of shots is at 15 months, then 18 months and then not again until 4 years old! Thank heavens! Mallory is 17 pounds and 10 ounces. She has gained 11 pounds since she was born! Recently, Mallory has been hiding in tight spots! She loves to hide behind the couch, in between the end table and the couch and under the table! Here is a picture of Mallory hiding under grandma Kims side table!
Dustin, Me, Mallory, Stephanie & Tucker decided to take a quick trip to Los Angeles to get away this weekend!! Dustin's friend, Spencer, lives in LA so we were able to stay with him and visit! We had a great time! The babies all ready to go and Stephanie & Dustin ready to hit the road! Going for a stroller ride and playing at the neighborhood park! Out to eat at Japanese Food! We went to drive dragsters! We ate ice-cream at PinkBerry!!
Happy Anniversary to US!! Today, Dustin and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary!! WOW!! Where has the time gone?!! We went out to Dinner and went shopping together while Grandma Susan watched Mallory! We had a great time! I didn't take any pictures of us today but I did get this one from Ashlie from the wedding a couple of weeks ago! Love you Cowboy Dusty!
Today is Mallory's 1st Birthday!! Where has the time gone? Mallory has grown and changed so much and changed our family over the last year! She has the cutest personality and the best smile!! We love Mallory more and more everyday! This is the best picture I got of her all day!! Her shirt says "I'm the Birthday Girl" Here is Mallory reading with Daddy before we go out for dinner! Auntie Brookie gave Mallory a few gifts yesterday!!
Tell me who's idea it was to work the day after 4Th of July?! Agh! We didn't get home last night until 11:30pm and by the time I got Mallory changed into PJ's, feed and rocked to sleep, got my self changed and ready for bed it was close to 1am! We had to be up this morning and going by 7am. Not fun! Poor Mal's was so tired that she fell asleep in her carseat on the way to Grandmas after 2 minutes of being in the car. Isn't she cute?!
Dustin & I went to Buchanan for their Fireworks show! This was Mallory's 1st time seeing Fireworks and she loved it!! She did not cry at all!! Before the show we went to In & Out! Here are a few of the pictures!
We dressed Mallory in her Pre 4th of July dress for church today! She looked very cute!! Can't you tell how much Dustin loves to get his picture taken!! haha!
We had a Flip Flop Birthday Bash for Mallory's 1st Birthday!! She had a blast! We had family and friends come over to Grandma Susan's for a swim party! Mallory did great! She had a great time playing in the kiddie pool, eating her 1st cupcake, ripping wrapping paper and playing with the other kids! My mom took a lot of the pictures so here is the few that I have (In no particular order).. We had chicken Kabobs instead of the usual hot dogs & hamburgers! We gave away Cookies as party favors! Here is the before and after pictures! Eating her first cupcake!