Mallory got invited to a birthday party this weekend! Mallory had a great time! Uncle Shaun was there so we got a few cute picutres of Mals and I took a few with my camera phone! Isn't Mals the cutest!?!
There is no question that Mallory is super cute! Occasionally there is confusion on Mallory's race by strangers! Generally I get Mexican, which she is 1/4th but today, I got Asian! Hahaha! Unfortunately, the lady was off! Mallory does not have an Asian ethnicity in her at all! When I was going through my pictures the other day, I came across this beauty! Maybe, its not just the crazy lady, Mallory does look slightly Asian! Haha! We love her no matter what ethnicity she is or appears to be! Ha! I love my Asian Sensation Baby!!
Mallory is not a good sleeper! She never really has been! She generally sleeps from 9:30pm until about 3:30am and then likes to be rocked or joins me in bed until about 7:30am. I thought if we got Mals a twin size bed, then I could just join her in her bed for the 10 minutes it takes her to fall back asleep around 3:30am. Dustin and I got Mallory the twin size bed 3 days ago and I AM LOVING IT!! Last night, Mallory woke up at her usual 3:30am and I laid down for a few minutes with her in her bed and she was back to sleep! Yay! No more joining me in my bed!! Now, I only have to deal with Dustin's snoring! Haha! Here is a picture of my precious angel sleeping! Here is a few more pictures of how the room looks now with the twin bed added! Once she is in the twin size bed full time, I will take down the crib!
Today Dustin and I participated in a 2ND round of Invetro!! We were lucky enough to have 3 frozen embryo's left over from our last Invetro round! Dr Sueldo used all 3 embryo's today with assisted hatching! We are praying that this round of Invetro will be successful especially because we are all out of embryo's!! This round was different by adding the extra embryo and helping the embryo's hatch by doing assisted hatching so hopefully we will have a higher chance of sucess!! Here is a picture Dustin took of me this morning while we were waiting to go back!! We are able to take a pregnancy test February 1st!! Till Then!!!!
Everyone knows that my tiny angel loves her mommy the most...until recently! Mallory and Daddy have been Besties all week! Mallory loves to grab her Daddy's finger and take him to the play room to watch her Disney video, color in her coloring book or jump on her pink cow! Heres a couple of pictures and a cute video!
Mallory is a year and half or 18 mos old now!! We can't believe how big she has gotten and how much she has changed in the last couple of months! She is really starting to say a lot of words! She is definately old enough to understand a lot of things that we tell her to do! She loves to dance and listen to music, watch Dinosaur Train, and color! Here is Mals ready for church today! Going to Nursery for the first time! And here is Mals wearing Dads hat!